Content Management

Where you have not built an electronic catalogue as part of the tender process and the commodity/service is deemed to be made into a catalogue, you should set up the successful tenderer on the Pecos Content Management System (PCM) to ensure that you can prepare the catalogues.

PCM is not appropriate for Care and Support Services.

The process of content management from start to finish can take weeks, mainly dependent on the size (number of line items) and the number of catalogues involved.

Quickfire Guide

Quickfire Guide

Content Management Stages

You will need to:

  • Receive the initial catalogue data from suppliers;
  • Check catalogue content;
  • undertake validation checks;
  • Test.

The above should be done before finally issuing to the end user organisations. 

It is essential to allow enough time in your process for these tasks to be completed prior to the date that the contract or framework is required to be active.

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