Research, Pilot and Innovation Register

Public sector organisations looking to innovate can sometimes carry out trials and pilots that may not have been subject to a formal procurement.

You are encouraged to add information on any research and development (R&D) work or innovative projects being undertaken in the Research, Pilot and Innovation Register in Public Contracts Scotland (PCS).

This will provide visibility of innovation projects to:

  • understand projects that are underway or being planned.  This information could potentially give public sector bodies a more effective route to market if something is already being developed
  • provide improved governance on what projects are underway, what their status is and support smarter decision making on these activities
  • reduce possible duplication and overlap of innovation activities
  • provide collaborative opportunities with other public sector buyers
  • provide additional reports on innovation activity

You are asked to update the register at regular intervals, under guidance from your public sector organisation’s local governance arrangements.

This register is not linked to public procurement notices and is not published externally on PCS.  Access to the register is a separate permission on PCS and can be requested from your organisation’s PCS Controller.

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