Questions from Suppliers

Once the procurement has commenced, a correspondence process must be  in place. This will ensure all correspondence between the potential tenderers and you is carried out in a fair and transparent manner. 

For example:

it is best practice to provide details of the question submission deadline and the date by which all questions will be answered. These dates must be prior to the closing date for expressions of interest. These should allow sufficient time for all bidders to consider information which may be relevant to their proposals.

Timescales and Extensions

Questions submitted by potential tenderers and the answers provided by your organisation must be anonymised. These must also be circulated to all potential tenderers involved in the process.

You must supply responses to all tenderers no later than six days before the deadline for tender responses. This time limit changes to not later than four days for the open, restricted and competitive procedure with negotiation when the accelerated procedure is used. 

Deadlines must be extended where:

  • Additional information requested by a tenderer, is not supplied at least six days before the deadline. This information must have been requested in good time and be significant or;
  • Significant changes are made to the procurement documents. 

The time limit changes to not later than four days when the accelerated procedure is used. 

Electronic Tendering Systems

Using an electronic tendering system, for example Public Contracts Scotland - Tender, allows the receipt and circulation of questions and answers.

Public Contracts Scotland offers similar functionality via its bulletin board.

If you do not use an electronic system, clear instructions and contact details should be provided to all potential bidders within the ITT documentation. All communications during the procurement activity should be coordinated by you and documented.

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