How To Use the Procurement Journey

This Procurement Journey is laid out in an interactive “journey” fashion i.e. information is listed in a series of chronological stations (or pages) - from Prepare right through to Lessons Learned at the end of a contract. 

This means you can choose to read and/or find specific information in a number of ways as detailed further below.

At any time, if you want to return to the homepage you can do this by clicking home or on the Procurement Journey logo in the top left hand corner of each page.

Top of every Procurement Journey page now includes a main navigation panel.  This allows you to access specific Procurement Journey stations directly as well as other information.   For example, general and new information can be found by clicking a link under “Additional Resources”.   New content of checklists, quickfire guides, videos and documents are included within "Tools, Documents and Templates".  Please see below:

An image showing the meganav functionality of the Procurement Journey

You can refer to the three route maps on the homepage.  You can click on the map you want: you will then be taken to the beginning of that route:

An image showing the Procurement Journey home page

When you click on "Start the Procurement Journey" on the homepage, you will be taken to a page to help you decide which route to use. 

When already in a station or a substation you can move onto the next page by clicking the next station's name or go to the previous station by clicking on Go Back.  Please see below:


You can also access previous pages you have looked at by clicking on a link within the breadcrumbs which are located at the top of the page:


You can print the content of any station or substation by clicking the printer friendly link at the top of the page:


A search box is included at the top of every Procurement Journey page (which you can type keywords for what you are looking for) and access several links:

  • "Contact Us" allows you to send an email/query directly to the Procurement Journey team
  • "Provide Site Feedback" means you can comment on the site
  • Subscribing to "Notify Me of Changes" means you will receive automatic emails telling you when any changes have been made to the Procurement Journey
  • the "" link takes you to the Scottish Government website

You can work through the Journey station by station by clicking on a station name in the left hand side menu  (or you can go to a specific station or topic by using the search function as shown above):


Some stations and substations contain linked text.  If you click on the link it will take you to either an external website or to another station within the Procurement Journey:


The bottom of each Procurement Journey page includes various links e.g. to the Scottish Government procurement Twitter page, privacy policy, etc.
