Information to Include in your Tender



Information to Include in your Tender - Route 2 & Route 3



A reference to the relevant Contract Notice that you have already published.  
Instruction to bidders. Including: the tender submission deadline; address to which the bidder submission is to be sent; and the language that the tender submission must be submitted in.  

Confirmation of the documents to be submitted by the bidder in support of the tender selection criteria or for self-declaration that no exclusion grounds exist. These may relate to:

  • bidder suitability
  • economic and financial standing
  • technical and professional ability
  • requirements for participation
  • requirements for lots; Framework Agreements and or Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS)
  • confirmation of acceptance of a Single Procurement Document (SPD) response. For more information, please refer to Selection Criteria and SPD (Scotland).
The relative weighting of criteria for the award of the contract.  
For Competitive Dialogue procedures: the date and address for the beginning of dialogue and the language(s) to be used.  
For service contracts, if deemed applicable, you should ask the bidders to indicate any share of the contract that may be subcontracted and information about the intended subcontractors (if available).  This should include their name and contact details.   
You can ask those named subcontractors to complete an SPD to confirm if there are grounds for exclusion.  Your organisation must require that the subcontractor be replaced where it has been shown that there are mandatory grounds for exclusion.  Your organisation may also require replacement where there are discretionary grounds.  Provision should be made in the tender documents to support review of subcontractors and relevant SPD responses throughout the contract life.  This should also include any necessary action to be taken by the organisation.  Your Organisation must also require the main contractor to notify you of any changes to the subcontractors' details during the course of the contract.  
Evidence how bidders will ensure prompt payment of all sub contractors in their supply chain.  
For contracts which may be extended: the nature, quantity and, where possible, the estimated time for extension options.  
The nature, quantity and, where possible, estimated publication dates of notices of future tenders.  
The type of procedure e.g. a Restricted Procedure or Competitive Procedure with Negotiation procedure, etc.  
If applicable to the contract the delivery of supplies, commencement or termination date(s)  
The address of the Organisation who will award the contract.  
Economic and technical conditions, financial guarantees and information required from bidders.  
The form of the contract to be used e.g. purchase, lease, hire, hire-purchase, or a combination of these.  
If electronic access to the relevant Procurement Documents cannot be offered, the address and deadline date for requesting procurement documents and the language(s) to be used.  
Background and overview of the tendering and evaluation process including details of presentations and site visits, if applicable.  
Terms and Conditions of contract which will apply to any resulting contract with the principal supplier (s).  
Specification and technical requirements.  
Sustainable Procurement Duty requirements.  
Community Benefit requirements (consideration of which is compulsory in contracts valued equal or greater than £4m, although inclusion in all contracts/frameworks is recommended).  
Questions on Fair Work Practices should be included where it has been assessed as proportionate and relevant to the subject matter of the contract.  
Quality questionnaire.  
Pricing schedule (note where it is proportionate to request such the pricing schedule can take the form of an e-catalogue as part of the ITT in order to streamline later processes).  
Acceptance of Terms and Conditions mechanism for return of tender.  
For Frameworks, inclusion of mini competition or relevant call off guidance.  
The circumstances under which modifications or changes could be made to the contract or framework.  To be valid, these must comply with the requirements outlined in the Contract and Supplier Management station and stated in clear, unambiguous clauses e.g. price change clause or core list review clause.  
Covering letter.  
Acknowledgement letters for bidders to return to the Organisation on receiving the documentation.  
Technical guidance for use with systems.  
Consider how relevant Rights of the Child provisions are to the scope of requirements.  Ensure inclusion when relevant and proportionate in accordance with UNCRC guidance.  

Blank rows are provided for your use e.g. to add additional checklist items.